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Curso de Liderazgo Político

Bibliografía complementaria

Cabane, Olivia. El Mito del Carisma. Cómo Cualquier Persona Puede Perfeccionar el Arte del Magnetismo Personal. Prensa Activa. Colombia. 2012.


Fox, Jeffrey. How to Become a CEO. The Rules for Rising to the Top of Any Organization. Hyperion, NY. 1998.


Hackman, Michael y Craig E. Johnson. Leadership. A communication perspective. Waveland Press, Long Grove Illinois, 2013.


Hayward, Sue. Liderazgo Femenino. Cecsa, México, 2006.


Heifetz, Ronald, Grashow, Alexander y Linsky, Marty. La Práctica del Liderazgo Adaptativo. Las herramientas y tácticas para cambiar su organización y el mundo. Paidos, Argentina, 2012.


Hernández, Virgilio. Mapas Conceptuales. La gestión del conocimiento en la didáctica. Editorial Alfaomega, México, 2011.


Humes, James. Speaking Like Churchill, Standing Like Lincoln. 21 Powerful Secrets of History’s Greatest Speakers. Three Rivers Press. 2002.


Hunter, Ron Y Michael Waddell. Toy Box Leadership. Thomas Nelson. 2008.


Isaacson, Walter. Steve Jobs. Lecciones de Liderazgo. Debate, Colombia. 2014.


Issenberg, Sasha. The victory Lab. The secret science of winning campaigns. Broadway books, New York. 2013.


Johnson, Dennis. No Place for Amateurs. Routledge, New York. 2007.


Jones, Bryan. Leadership and Politics. New Perspectives in Political Science. University Press of Kansas, Kansas, 1989.


Kornblut, Anne. Notes from the Cracked Ceiling. What It Will Take for a Women to Win. Crown Publishing. NY. 2009.


Kroeger, Otto, Janet Thuesen y Hile Rutledge. Type Talk at Work. How the 16 Personality Types Determine your Success on the Job. A Tilda Press Book. NY. 2002.


Matthews, Chris. Hardball. How Politics is played – Told by One Who Knows the Game. A Touchstone Book. 1999.


Morris, Dick. Power plays. Win or lose –How history’s great political leaders play the game. Regan Books, New York. 2003. New leadership Learning center, Inc. the Leadership workbook. A practical guide to self-development for emerging young leaders. New leadership Learning center, Inc. Baltimore, MD. 2012.


Northhouse, Peter. Leadership. Theory and practice. Sage. Los Angeles, 2013. Panagopoulos, Costas. Politicking Online. The transformation of election campaign communications. Rutgers University Press, New Brunswick, 2009.


Post, Jerrold. The Psychological assessment of political leaders. The University of Michigan Press. Ann Arbor, 2008.


Rath, Tom. Strengths Finder 2.0. Gallup Press. 2007. Roam, Dan. La clave es la servilleta. Grupo Editorial Norma. Rustler, Florian. Mind Mapping for Dummies. Wiley. 2012.


Schein, Edgar. Organizational Culture and Leadership. Jossey-Bass, A Wiley Imprint. 2010.


Schein, Edgar. Humble Inquiry. The Gentle Art of Asking Instead of Telling. Berret-Koehler Publisher, San Francisco. 2013.

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